Civil Engineering Company

Recent projects
JKU Campus -Kepler Hall, 4040 Linz, Austria
The object is located on the campus of JKU Linz and is conceived as a multi-purpose hall which can accommodate sporting events under the administration of the USI ( Universitäts Sport Instituts). The total built area is about 3000 square meters. (
Partner – General Designer: Bollinger-Grohmann Wien ZT GmbH
New sludge incineration plant, 077105 Glina, Romania
Construction objects are an integral part of the project “Expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the construction of the Glina sludge incinerator”.
Partner – General Designer: Institute for Studies and Power Engineering SA , Antreprenor general: Consortium: FCC Construcction & amp; Aqualia Intech SA & amp; Suez International SA
JKU Campus -LIT, 4040 Linz Austria
Covering an area of 9,000 square meters, the Open Innovation Center will host the LIT pilot plant (Focus on Plastics Technology), the Clean Room of the Physics Department, the Artificial Intelligence Lab (AI), Silicon Austria, industrial partnerships, and spaces innovation and common office spaces.
Partner – General Designer: Bollinger-Grohmann Wien ZT GmbH
Iernut Thermal Power Plant (TPP), 545100 Iernut, Romania
Construction objects are an integral part of the construction of the new thermal power plant, in a combined cycle with gas turbine (CCTG) cycle, at an installed power of max. 430MW and gross electrical efficiency at rated load of over 56%.
Partner – General Designer: Institute for Studies and Power Engineering SA , Antreprenor general: The Association Duro Felguera – Romelectro
Bomo Trendline Technik GmbH, 72401 Hart, Germania
The project includes an expansion of Bomo Trendline Technik’s production and office area on approximately 2,000 square meters by building a steel construction with two openings and multiple cranes.
Partner – Bugenings & Eisenbeis GmbH & Co. KG
Did you know

House of the People, Bucharest, Romania
The largest administrative building in the world is the Palace of the Parliament (or House of the People) in Bucharest. The building began in 1984, after Nicolae Ceausescu ordered the reconstruction of Bucharest, inspired by a visit to North Korea, according to Rador. The building was built with materials almost entirely Romanian, including 1,000,000 cubic meters of marble, 550,000 tons of cement, 700,000 tons of steel, 2,000,000,000 tons of sand or 3,500 tons of crystal.Read more

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